VC ITS completes a pilot project in Turkey

In April 2022, VC ITS delivered the necessary equipment to the Republic of Türkiye. VC ITS engineers and technical staff of partner companies performed installation and commissioning works at the control station.
The Afyon traffic police took part in tests, which included integration with the top-level system and data transfer setup.
As part of the newly introduced functionality, the Factor systems now control a series of vehicle movement parameters automatically carrying out the following:
· Collection of transport statistics
· Recognition of Turkish license plates
· Classification of vehicles
· Recognition of vehicle brands and models
· Recognition of vehicle colors
Following the operation results, the traffic police confirmed the high-quality performance of the Factor systems demonstrating a stable result in capturing traffic parameters.
“The VC ITS equipment has reaffirmed its high reliability,” said Maksim Mishchenko, Director of International Business Development at VC ITS, LLC. “Our technologies will help boost road safety in the Republic of Türkiye and improve the overall traffic situation.”
“VC ITS’ entry into the Turkish market is a milestone for the Russian export in general and for the Russian IT industry in particular,” said Arthur Leontyev, Head of Trade Representation of the Russian Federation in Turkey. “In 2022, the Russia-Turkey trade turnover totaled USD65 billion, with USD57 billion chiefly accounting for the raw materials export. The top target for the Trade Representation is to ensure increased supplies of non-resource, hi-tech products to foreign markets and this project, albeit still a pilot one, is a shining example in this respect. It is important to mention that VC ITS became a pioneer among the Russian companies in this sector and it truly is a breakthrough. We wish the company continued success and we are always ready to offer our unfailing support.”
2023-04-06 21:15