VC-ITS is taking on the Bulgarian and Eastern European markets

VC-ITS LLC, a Russian company, has recently become engaged in the Bulgarian and Eastern European market as it started supplying equipment for traffic enforcement, traffic management and traffic statistics. The company has signed a distribution agreement with Bulgaria-based company SENTRA OOD. Early 2022 saw the first set of equipment be shipped and delivered from Moscow to Sofia.

The Trade Representation of the Russian Federation in Sofia has made it possible for the deal to be concluded; the trade representative and trade representation team were a great help when it came to market research, first business contacts and market entry.

“Being a system integrating company, we need to partner with different manufacturers from wide range of sectors, but it also addresses a set of high-quality standards to be followed. – said Dragomir Boyadzhiev, the Managing director of Senra OOD. – The increasing demand for security and monitoring in nowadays cities and in traffic systems requires a modern and versatile solution, which we found within our partner’s VC-ITS LLC products portfolio. Recently, we have just set the basis for a tight and hopefully long-term partnership between Sentra OOD and VC-ITS. The traffic management and the smart cities are leading business lines for us, and we believe that a possible synergy between our both companies will arise. Having the high-quality products from our Russian partners and our strategic positioning in Eastern Europe will open the markets for VC-ITS not only within this region, but also in a wider EU group of countries.”

«Modern digital technologies are considered to be one of the most vital and promising items of Russian non-commodity export », noticed Konstantin Artyushin, Trade Representative of Russia in Bulgaria. «Right after receiving the request for export support from VC-ITS LLC we immediately proceeded to looking for potential clients in Bulgaria for the company. We included it, in particular, in the package of proposals of Russian high-tech companies Russian on the development of modern urban infrastructure being sent by us, together with the Embassy of Russia in Bulgaria, to the administrations of 11 major Bulgarian municipalities…”

VC-ITS's equipment will monitor traffic violations in Bulgaria, collect road statistics and improve overall safety. The systems are multi-purpose; you can use them to automatically identify Bulgarian and other EU licence plates, detect speeding, driving in the oncoming traffic lane and on the side of the road, crossing stop-lines, driving through red traffic lights, violating pedestrian right of way, you name it. 

“Russian equipment is quite popular in Eastern Europe due to its high reliability,” says Maksim Mishchenko, Head of International Business Development at VC-ITS. “We are excited to be a part of the collaboration with our Bulgarian partner. Hopefully, our technology will enhance the safety of Bulgaria's roads and improve the overall road situation.”

The first set of equipment will be delivered to Sofia, the Bulgarian capital; the company's looking to expand to other cities and transport highways in the country.

2022-01-31 11:41